Friday, January 27, 2012

My introduction!

     Hmmm...well, where do I start?? I have never blogged before so this is very new to me. My daughter actually started me a blog a while back and I never used it. Now, I am ready(almost). Although, I am hidden under a cloak of anonymity! I do have a lot to say and share if only I can get people interested! HA! This will be interesting and fun!
     The name I go by is Sassy Short.NOT my real name! LOL! I am a 44 year old mother and grandmother. YES, I started young. I had 4 kids when I was 21. YES, I figured out what was causing it, but, dang it sure felt good at the time! When you are young and dumb, you do not think very far in to the future or I would have considered the enormity of having 4 kids at that age. But then again, I still believed in "happily ever after"! That too was deceiving! And Men do not view divorce the same as women so once we divorced he considered himself divorced from the children too therefore he did not believe that he should pay child support. Lets just say, he owes me a huge amount of back child support that I will never ever see and leave it at that. I prefer to never talk about him again!
     For now, I will stick to sharing every day progress in my life. I am a recovering depressant (I made that up). I  have been depressed most of my adult life and it has been a very long hard process to get where I am today. I am lucky to be alive. I have my kids and my friends to thank for that. My kids just because my love for them was so strong and my friends because the few times that I was on the verge of throwing in the towel, they held me up and talked me through it.  I welcome any one who has ever been a slave to depression to leave me a comment but this is my blog and although I love a good debate, I will not tolerate anyone coming on here and talking about how selfish depressed suicidal people are. I will delete your comments. We do not chose to be depressed. It hurts us physically and mentally. I am finally at a point in my life that I believe that I can be an inspiration to people. Maybe by sharing what I chose to share I can save just one person from living a life like the HELL that I called my life. Then this will all be worth it!
     I will end this part of my blog with this, the turning point in my life was when I discovered that I CAN CONTROL MY THOUGHTS! OMG! Who knew, right??? Now that might sound crazy for all you normal folks out there but for us abnormal (depressants), not being able to control our thoughts is probably what caused 99.9% of our problems. I read a book that taught me how to do it! Actually it was two books that were by two different authors and two completely different ways of writing but for some reason reading these two books consecutively made things click in my mind!  First I read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne which is great but it seemed unfinished and slightly unbelievable to me. Next and completely unintentional I read "The Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer. Now when I started reading the second book, I had absolutely no idea that the two would compliment each other so well. It was the same basic premise but it went so much deeper.  It seriously changed my life. I have had 1 (yes, one) bad day since reading the second book. I have bought it for two friends and recommended it to every one of my friends.
     In my future blogs, I will probably share some of my writings (poetry and short stories) if I can get the nerve to do so! I suppose it just depends on if anyone actually reads this!
Until next time.......SnS


  1. Thank you so much for sharing with us, I know it is hard to talk openly about the very low points in our lives but it can help others to heal. I too have read those books and the valuable teachings have lifted me to newer and better heights than I thought possible. I no longer look down upon depressed suicidal persons as I once did after I walked in their shoes and found that depression is as real as anything that can be experienced in life. I now know that I do control what and how I feel about all that affects me and I will continue to grow in a positive direction. Thank you again for sharing your life with us.

  2. Awww, thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful comment!

  3. Good luck on your blog. Have you considered joining a writing group, where there are like-minded people who want to help each other in the writing process?

    Just a thought. A little scouting on the internet AND in your community will prove fruitful with your search.

  4. That is an excellent idea. Thanks for the advice Sidney.
